wmm werbemittelmesse münchen - Germany
17.01.2024 - 17.01.2024
MOC Veranstaltungscenter München
Lilienthalallee 40
D 80939 München
Largest promotional products fair in southern Germany
The greatest success of a promotional product is when the customer feels emotions when he receives it, he is pleased, keeps the promotional product and associates it with his company. Sounds simple, but in reality it is more difficult than expected. There is a multitude of promotional items; but finding the "right" one is often not easy and in any case time-consuming. This is exactly where wmm comes in, and with advice from one of the organising sponsoring agencies, you will reach your goal faster and easier. The werbemittelmesse münchen offers the perfect platform for this. Promotional products to touch, taste, hear, smell and of course see live.